Driving Miss Kristina

Driving Miss Kristina

Saturday, June 18, 2011

a different clock

As I lay here typing with my thumbs on a phone that seems "smart"er than me, I wonder why it is I feel so awake, productive, inspired, at 3 AM. My natural rhythm seems to be to stay up till the wee hours of the morning and rise when the noon hour is approaching.

It's parenthood, some say. But I think I've had this tendency as long as I can remember.

Annoying. I love the early morning, on the rare occasion I've seen it. So beautiful. Peaceful. Quiet. Normal!

Is it possible to train yourself to be a morning person?

Why are some people "morning people" and others "night owls?" Seems there's probably some psychology or personality type issues at work.

Shall I continue and actually psychoanalyze myself in print as I have so often in my mind????

Not tonight.

Kristina stirs.

Time to turn off electronics so she can rest.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is possible to make yourself into a morning person because I did it. When I was in college, I was your typical night owl, but shortly after getting a job as a research technician doing bird surveys in Missouri, I learned that birds and late hours don't mix (well, unless you are looking at owls!) I converted myself over.. now I consider myself crepuscular, I function better in the morning and a night, not so well during the midday!! :) haha don't know if that's really a trait or not, but hey, tons of animals do it, so why can't I?

    PS I don't have kids yet, I'm sure that will probably change when that happens!
