Driving Miss Kristina

Driving Miss Kristina

Thursday, June 16, 2011

a little nudge...

So, this blog begins thanks to a little nudge from my 14 year-old son. He's heard the story of my excitement returning home from a Young Authors conference in 3rd grade. I was excited and inspired and shared with my dad that I would like to be an author when I grew up. The response was less than supportive and I never considered it again....though I'll forever remember his words...

So yesterday in the van Daniel says, "Why don't you write mom? You should start now."


Why not? I'm not in 3rd grade anymore, I don't have to get permission...

So, I'll begin with ponderings on life, parenthood, work, family, politics....I'm not sure. We'll see where it takes me...

*I also must thank the Chukar who finally helped me figure out the avenue for my writing. From his appearance in our neighborhood I began perusing the web and "met" a neighbor through her blog! Thus I begin....


  1. Hey pal. I'm glad to be invited.

  2. Hi Erin, it was great to "meet" you through a rather interesting turn of events. I feel life is like that sometimes. For instance, I have a friend that you might know that is a first grade teacher in the Goshen school system. And my cousin (who also follows my blog) is a kindergarten teacher in Mishawaka who puts out her own kindergarten blog.. its amazing how things are interconnected!

    I hope you continue to follow mine and I will follow yours! Great to "meet" you!
